Confezione EcologicaLe nostre confezioni sono completamente prive di plastica
Reso gratuito entro 30 giorniTienilo o restituiscilo: hai 30 giorni di tempo
Confezione completaPanno morbido per la pulizia e custodia originale
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Confezione EcologicaLe nostre confezioni sono completamente prive di plastica
Reso gratuito entro 30 giorniTienilo o restituiscilo: hai 30 giorni di tempo
Confezione completaPanno morbido per la pulizia e custodia originale
Experience a new level of performance with Oakley sunglasses, designed to provide a perfect fit and superior eye protection.
Crafted to meet Oakley's top-quality standards, the Kato OO945506 is the ultimate choice for man seeking a blend of style and performance. With its sleek polished black design, this model is the ultimate sport eyewear.
Imagined and manufactured by world-leading eyewear producer Luxottica, these sunglasses are engineered to perfection, providing unparalleled clarity and color contrast, even in the brightest of conditions. Plus, they’re cool!
The latest Oakley sunglasses 2024 collection offers an incredibly vast selection of new models and designs. Don't miss out on this opportunity to elevate your game: check them all out!